Thank You

Quite naturally, I blog about myself.  In doing so, I failed to say thank you. Thank you to my best friend, lover, care taker, my husband. THANK YOU!  It gets no better than this. Through it all, we been through so much with MS; there were times when I was afraid and you stayed right by my side. You know me so well it seems that you know when I need a little of this or that.

Life as I knew it has really changed since the diagnoses of MS and I want to be forever mindful of how you take care of me.  For that I say, THANK YOU!  With the outpouring of love, you have made the everyday challenges of MS a little easier. For that, THANK YOU!

Most of all, I thank Jesus because without Him, I can do nothing.  I thank the Lord for touching your heart on my behalf.  Lord, I Thank You...

A Christian husband loves God more then he loves his wife and loves his wife more than he loves himself. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”.  Ephesians 5:25 



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