I read several good articles about how certain things effect those diagnosed with MS.  One of them was so funny and made me think that the person who  wrote it must know me.  LOL........................

One article spoke about social situations and how MS patients can/do perceive things wrong.  Someone can say something without malicious intentions & because of how the brain processes information a person with MS can perceive the person to be angry. Read more @

The reason it was funny cause when I'm talking to my husband, I sometime  say, I'm not going to argue with you and he'll say, Ruth, we are not arguing, we are just talking.  Sometimes it sounds like he is yelling at me.  After reading this article somethings make more sense.

I also read how it is important to have good people in your life when battling a chronic disease.  Reading the article was good, but self experience has taught me this.  Read more @   MS News  As I was reading this it reminded me of somethings that God said concerning those you associate with.  He said, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”.  Proverbs 27:17 & I also thought about Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20 . “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character."  1st Corinthians 15:33    I don't know about you, but it is necessary that I'm good to myself, keep stress level down & do not feed off other peoples drama.   Stress can lead to MS flare-ups.  Good mental and emotional health goes along with quality of life.

One other article that I read was about intimacy, marriage & chronic illness.  I find it to be true because most if not all things I have experienced.  I'm not going to elaborate on it to much because you can read it for yourself @ MS News .  However it is very important to have a healthy imitate relationship with your spouse because MS can take its toll on health, mind, body.  Check out Teresa Wright-Johnson @   She has a story about how she triumphs over MS.


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