
I just don't understand?  If  no two patients are alike; how does the doctor say if its MS related or not?
When the doctor make that kind of statement without checking it out first; I view that as being cocky.  Full of him or herself.

I have been experiencing what I believe to be a side effect from one of the medications; however the neurologist said it was psychological. Well, what that meant to me is Ruth, you got some mental issues.  I'm very vocal so I said, Yes, sometimes I get sad, depressed, anxiety. I get down sometimes, I just don't stay there.  For me to take a pill or go sit and talk to someone looking at me the  way he was, IS NOT GOING TO HELP ME.  Show me a person diagnosed with MS that doesn't experience at least one of the feelings that I mentioned.  It's all about how  a person chooses to deal with it.

My faith in Jesus keeps me going.  I always hear my father say, Ruth, there is no depression in Christ or he say, focus on the Problem Solver and not the problem.  I'm so glad that God said, "I am the Lord who heals you." Exodus 15:26  


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