What Is This?

I never seen anything like this before in my life. MS is the lonest, the most expensive, the most complicated and I can go on forever. I never experienced anything like this before.  Right now, I feel like I'm the only person in the world. I feel like nobody cares and if they do, well, they don't understand.  With MS, to not  understand or to not care is the same thing. Because with both, one can not relate to the MS patient.  Speaking personally, that is what anyone with a chronic disease need, someone to understand and have the ability to relate to the disease and all the obstacles that come with it.

I think I'm overwhelmed.  Sometimes I think too much. However I saw a quote that said "Sun is alone too, but still shines." That made me smile and remember that God said, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Even though some don't understand or whatever the case may be, it feels good to know that God cares.  It takes all of the overwhelming feelings away to know that God is with me.  God will never leave me and He won't change. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
Numbers 23:19
“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”


  1. Remember the well-known notion that human is a social animal. We grow up believing that in order to be happy, we need to belong somewhere – a society, a country, a social circle and finally, a family. The desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves seems to be our innate need, which probably has evolutionary roots.

    Being alone and being lonely are two different things. One can be alone without being lonely, and one can be lonely in a crowded room. Loneliness is, therefore, a state of mind, an emotion brought on by feelings of separation from other human beings. The sense of isolation is very deeply felt by those who are lonely. The Hebrew word translated “desolate” or “lonely” in the Old Testament means “one alone, only; one who is solitary, forsaken, wretched.” There is no deeper sadness that ever comes over the mind than the idea that we are alone in the world, that we do not have a friend, that no one cares for us, that no one is concerned about anything that might happen to us, that no one would care if we were to die or shed a tear over our grave.

    Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’



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