What Not To Do

I was looking at Everyday Health and noticed an article about MS and the environment. Smoking was one of the things listed that triggers MS symptoms.  The newsletter states that those who smoke have MS attacks more frequently. There were other triggers listed, but I focused on smoking because I am confused.

Confused because I read the part about smoking as an oxymoron.  Why, because if smoking triggers an MS attack then why is marijuana being pushed medically for MS patients? I’m just saying!  Smoke is smoke.  I guess this is another doctor, patient conversation.

This blew my mind too, in the same news letter, foods to avoid.  To my knowledge there is no special diet for those with MS.  I guess the following foods can trigger an attack:  Milk, saturated fats, trans fats, sugar, sodium, refined grains, gluten. Speaking personally, eating healthy may decrease the time between relapses. 

“For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.” 1st Timothy 4:4-5


  1. Smoking cannabis is the most popular way to consume the benefits of Marijuana. However, there are other way. I listed out just some of the medical marijuana products on the market today.
    Cannabidiol (CBD), Concentrates, Creams, Dabbing, Edibles, Vaping, Tinctures and Topicals. The flower form of marijuana comes in three categories: Sativa (head high), Indica (body high) and Hybrid (combo of head and body).

    “No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities” 1 Timothy 5:23.

    God ordained medication for our health and wellbeing. We as human get into trouble when we abuse the privilege of medicine. Whatever you read may or may not apply to you. Trust Jesus to lead you in the right direction.



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