
A Note To My Husband: 

I never knew love until I met God & then He introduced me to an extraordinary man.  A man that loves God more then he loves me and love me more then he loves himself. 

In the beginning, I was unsure of what I was looking at.  It was like walking around with blinders on trying to find a peek of sunshine. Through my relationship with God and the studying of His Word, I learned, that man, my husband, caretaker was showing nothing but patience and adoration over 32 years.  

To be a caretaker of any one with a chronic disease must be a huge task. To be the husband of a woman that is diagnosed with MS, the task got to be even larger.  Sometime I don’t show it, but every day, I’m thankful.

Those are some big shoes to fill because I don’t know if I could do the things you do as a caretaker.  You have altered your entire life to care for me daily. The love that you show shines bright enough to allow me to see the hands of God.  He is all over this MS situation.  As I write, God brought to my mind, John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” 

I can truly say, if you were diagnosed with a chronic disease and no cure, the best medicine is LOVE.  It is good to love and be loved.


  1. Love must not only be articulated but demonstrated as well. For me to say I love you, and not show it is like having faith without works, it’s a dead love (James 2). Love is proactive, it’s tangible, it’s practical and it’s personal. A simple touch can convey an incredible sense of love, affirmation, and acceptance.
    LOVE is the spark that kindles the fire of Compassion
    COMPASSION is the fire that lights the candle of Service
    SERVICE is the candle that ignites the torch of Hope
    HOPE is the torch that lights the beacon of Faith
    FAITH is the beacon that reflects the Power of God And
    God Power is at the heart of the Miracle of Love



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