Speak Now Forever Hold Your Peace

Being diagnosed with MS makes one reflect on life.  I’ve learned to thank God for the small triumphs.  I stop taking things for granted.  Case and point, three words came to my mind, red, purple & blue.  I thank God for speech.  Lord, I thank You!

Red represents power and courage
Purple is often associated with royalty         
Blue represents loyalty

Colors tell a story. Words are not just sounds. Our words have real power. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue,” Proverbs 18:21. God spoke the world into existence by the power of His word. “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God,” Hebrews 11:3. Words do more than provide information. The power of our words can destroy or build up one’s spirit. “The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit” Proverbs 15:4. With all the creatures on this earth, man is the only one that has the ability to communicate through the spoken word. Speech is a powerful gift from God.

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones” Proverbs 16:24.


  1. Few people realize the awesome, destructive power of the human tongue. Because of a miss-spoken word, homes have been splintered, reputations shattered and lives literally destroyed and even ended. The little piece of muscle that lies in your mouth can bless or bruise, heal or hurt, encourage or discourage. It all depends upon thinking before you use it.
    Watch your thoughts, they become words;
    Watch your words, they become actions;
    Watch your actions, they become habits;
    Watch your habits, they become character
    Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.



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