Wonderful Counselor

Timeline speaks about PPMS & exercises that can be done to increase cognitive behavior skills.  However as I said before, I feel that disease is disease. MS or something else.

The activities that are suggested:
 Stay active
Get adequate sleep
Play memory games
Play puzzle/problem solving activities
Get organized
Read daily
Check medications

Timeline also says that lifestyle choices have big effect on a person’s condition.   

I try to do all activities that’s suggested.

·       I’m not as active as I would like to be. If you have a disease that effects your mobility, how active can one be?

·       Sleep-YES

·       Every day I play games and/or use my problem solving skills.

·       Write-I try to blog every day, but I can’t write with a pen/pencil. Handshaking make for bad penmanship.

·       Organized-NO

·       Yes always reading something.

·       I’m not sure what they mean by check medications.

·       I think counseling is a personal preference.

For me, Isaiah 9:6 says that Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


  1. I want to see success, surround you every day. I want you to be happy, and want to scream hooray! I want the work you do, feel just like childhood. But most of all I want, to see you see things through. Not because you should, because you really want too. And I realize you may be scared, that you can't see it through. But I'm hear to tell you, you can, do anything you put your mind to. LOU


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