It's Getting Hot In Here, AGAIN

Well, I'm stuck again and this hot, dry weather isn't helping. We are in a heat wave so all activities must be inside with AC & fans going. I'll miss a few family, friend functions but honestly its not worth it. It's so hot that sometimes I don't even want to think. It just takes too much energy.

With a MS diagnoses, it is like being in a fight.

The Lord replied,
“My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

EXODUS 33:14


  1. The LORD is a warrior, the LORD is His name. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. The LORD your God, who goes before you, will fight for you, just as you saw Him do for you (before).

    So! What does it mean to have God fighting our battles (Exodus 14:14; Deuteronomy 1:30)?
    When we aloud God to fight our battles, we do not have to anguish, be anxious, or be discouraged when bad things happen in our lives. When it seems a situation is hopeless or the matter at hand is too overwhelming, we may be tempted to doubt God. But as Christians, we must remember that no problem is beyond the scope of God’s sovereign care for His children. He has promised to take care of us (Philippians 4:19), make good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and love us beyond measure (Romans 8:37–39).



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